In the never ending battle of digital camera improvements, Canon has released the latest in their line of extremely successful entry level SLR cameras, the Digital Rebel T1i. Those recent owners of the XSi and even not so recent owners of the XT, and XTi may be wondering if it's time for an upgrade. Well, not really.
Sure, Live View, a larger LCD, and faster FPS can seem enticing, but is it really worth it? What is it your really after here? More bells and whistles, or better pictures? Personally, if I'm going to upgrade it's going to be something substantial. Something that allows me to take better photographs, and improve my skills as a photographer. Allow me to illuminate.
If you own a Canon Rebel, it's likely because you got tired of the crummy results your were getting with your point and shoot compact cameras. That is usually who the Canon Rebel buyers are. They heard about how SLR was the ultimate way to take pictures. Their pockets weren't that deep, but they wanted to take better pictures.
Now moving a compact camera to a decent SLR in the Rebel line, is a quantum leap in technology and skill level. Anyone whose done that, has likely taken better pictures, and learned a lot more about photography in the process. Unfortunately, moving from a Rebel XT to T1i, wont give you the same experience. You need to look at moving to at least a 40D or 30D.
You will be challenged moving from a Rebel SLR into the semi-pro arena of the 40D and better digital cameras. These cameras will take better pictures, but not without an increased effort on your part to improve your photography skill.
These cameras also have the added benefit of being tougher and more rugged. Their designed to be banged around a bit more in different photography environments. Expect noticeable improvements in ISO and metering.
Once you move into these semi-pro 30Ds and better, all the accessories you have are upwardly compatible. Meaning, if you move to a better Cannon camera down the road, all those lens, filters and paraphernalia can follow you.
Given the perpetual affliction of "upgradeitis" that many cameras geeks find themselves in, that could save a whack of money on the next upgrade. Of course you don't necessarily need to save that money, you could always just sink it into a really nice new lens to go with that upgraded camera.